Wednesday, July 9, 2008

just a thought

I've a thought since I was young..

People eats and drinks everyday so do they pee pee and poo poo everyday(except those who facing constipation problem, hiak hiak), yeah this is a very normal human being recycle..

What if..
we drinking while we pee..


What if..
we eat while we poo..

Refill the lost immediately, or we can says we gain and lost at the same time.

I did tried it few years ago but I was failed.. I just cant ingest the water, it's feeling kinda weird..
So i asked my bro to try it, and he did success~~wee~~ *clap clap*
There were great aches in his stomach, but i think that this is nothing to do with the drinking action.

Somebody else wants to try this and please tell me how it feels..=)

*i miss my Baby.. She bought a bunny for me.. hehe.. cudbunny??

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