Friday, July 4, 2008

Matin the c.s.

The people below I'm going to talk about..

...This is the most handsome pic from him bacause he just showed parts of him in this pic.

Tried to modeling yet fail.

Yes, you did a good job!! Seem like you doing well with the girlish style. You got the potential.

He looked dully and sleepy all the time..He's still can't adjust himself to Malaysia time so far..
Just try to adapt urself to this place, eat curry, chili, nasi lemak & etc!! Mr. c.s.

I'll never forget that that time he got his maintenance like about 80k ( either USD or RM or TRY or GEM) and he brought baby and I went to.....Burger King..Suppose to be more luxurius meals alright!! I knew that our friendship ends since that time.. That's such a big dissapointed for a food hunter like me that putting so much expecting on him.

Mr. c.s. promised to throw a farewell party for me and buy something for me if i din't fail..
Talk big!! Sosososo very BIG..
But..I'm still waiting, I don't mind to receive lated presents~~hohoho~~

I know nothing much from him..We're just hi-bye a friend in TOA.. Everytime we just talking nonsence, just for killing times.=p
All i know about him is :" He's a GAY.." and he loves my mum.
..yeah.. That's all..


Parts for my Baby..
Seems like my blog was almost about my baby..hmmp....
I'm a person who born to love..hehe^^
There ain't any adsorbing story or fairy-tale from us, but I just enjoyed our routine~
We had a hard time maintaining our relationship, we never gave up though..

friendsteric pic from her..hehe^^

~ my rely on
~ my listener
~ my baby
~ my food hunting partner
~ my family
~ sleeping most of the time
~ hungry most of the time
~ noisy most of the time
~ a rabbit
~ a chef
~ cute
~ silly
~ mine
~ everything

argh~~~~i just can grab pics from their sites..hated!!
Stupid me left the adapter, stupid pc don't have bluetooth.

7.36 in the morning to get into bed..
Not insomnia but too much coffee for yesterday...
morning, everyone.
