Tuesday, September 2, 2008


It was a normal routine day, Baby wake me up for breakfast this morning, both of us craving for tomyam steamboat, need something spicy to wakening us, yum yum!! But our favorite steamboat spots are supplying at dinner time only..hmmp..=3
We driving around the street to hunting our first meal of the day, we spot a dessert shop named 甜品哥哥(dessert gor gor).. hahaha the name was so hilarious!! There's many choices( more than 100++), we ordered a durian pancake, a mango taufufa & peanut tangyuen.. We prefer Very Easy Remember lah..
Then we off to DPC for our main meal, Japanese cuisine.

Later we having our French language tuition, guess what we saw downstairs the tuition center??
There was a fortuitous hookah shop hidden among the shops.. It was like just a little corner in a old grocery store, the hookah shop owned by a Chinese uncle, he was selling Arabian stuff.
Our eyes sparkling like we found treasure~

We gets a mini hookah, blew big smoke with it~ woohoo~

No more talking, shisha first~!!